Official Bylaws
Temple of the Four Winds
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Temple of the Four Winds, hereinafter referred to by the acronym, “TOTFW.”
Section 2. TOTFW’s headquarters is located in California. Full address may be disclosed upon request.
Section 1. This corporation is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and shall operate in full compliance with IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) and California’s Franchise Tax Board annual requirements.
Section 2. The specific purpose of TOTFW shall be to maintain a nonprofit organization dedicated to spiritual practices which demonstrate expansion of consciousness, self love, self awareness and unity in divided times.
Section 3. TOTFW shall work in conjunction with the officers and staff of the organization to promote and encourage practices that reflect the principles stated in the above section.
Section 1. Any person or organization who supports the purposes of TOTFW may become a member by the payment of annual dues in effect at the time. Membership will not be denied based on any difference in beliefs or personal choice.
Section 2. Any dues schedule and amount adjustments shall be put to a vote and approved by TOTFW’s Board Directors at its annual meeting.
Section 3. Each Board Representative shall be entitled to cast one vote on all matters brought before the board at TOTFW’s annual meetings.
Section 1. The management of TOTFW shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of at least 3 but not more than 7 members, including its officers.
Section 2. The management as defined in section 1 above will serve as a planning team to determine and oversee projects and programs that will increase fundraising for TOTFW as well as provide public awareness of the principles and practices of TOTFW and its Members.
Section 3. An immediate President continues to serve on the board for six (6) consecutive years. The term for all other directors/officers shall be three (3) consecutive years. Each Director shall be eligible for reelection for additional terms.
Section 4. Replacement directors/officers can/shall be elected by TOTFW each year at the annual meeting to replace those directors whose terms are expiring in that year.
Section 5. The primary directors at TOTFW shall be a President, Secretary, and Treasurer and shall be referred to as the Executive Committee (See Article VII). Each of these officers also serves as a board member.
Section 6. A nominating committee shall be organized by either a director or a member of TOTFW. He/she shall organize with at least three (3) members to serve on this committee. Committee members must have been members of TOTFW for at least one year and will not need to be appointed but may volunteer. The committee shall present a ballot of nominees for election of officers/directors at the annual meeting of TOTFW.
Section 7. When a vacancy occurs among the officers, the nominating committee shall present for nomination one or more names of current TOTFW’s Members to fill the unexpired term to the board. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of directors.
Section 8. Vacancies among the directors may be left open until the next annual meeting, or may be filled at an otherwise scheduled board meeting by a vote of majority. Replacement officers elected within the year shall serve as substitutes until the next annual meeting and are officially sworn in to the position.
Section 9. A board member or officer may be removed for cause by vote of two-thirds of the board members attending an annual or otherwise scheduled meeting where the item is placed on the written agenda distributed at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 1. The President shall oversee all meetings of TOTFW and of the Board. The President shall serve as a member of all committees by virtue of his/her position and will be the deciding vote in the event of any decision that cannot come to majority vote. The president is also responsible for the signing of checks.
Section 2. The Secretary shall keep and organize a record of all annual and otherwise scheduled meetings of TOTFW. The secretary shall distribute a draft of the minutes prior to each meeting, and record for the permanent record any corrections made at the time of acceptance. At the end of each meeting, the secretary shall provide a complete set of the official minutes to the office of TOTFW for long-term retention.
Section 3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for handling all monies of TOTFW and shall keep appropriate and accurate records. The treasurer shall receive, and give receipt for, monies due and payable to the corporation from any source whatsoever. Any check or disbursement must be signed by the president. In the event of the disability of the president, the treasurer shall be responsible for check signing and distribution. The treasurer shall keep record of all monetary transactions. A financial report can be presented upon request at all meetings of the board and at the annual meeting of TOTFW.
Section 4. The salaries of the officers, if any, shall be adjusted accordingly from time to time by resolution of the Executive Committee. In all cases, any salaries received by officers of TOTFW shall be reasonable and given in return for services actually rendered to or for TOTFW. No officer shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of TOTFW.
Section 1. An executive committee shall consist of the president, secretary and treasurer and shall meet if and when necessary between meetings of the board of directors. This committee will be responsible for establishing any recommended changes in practices or procedures at TOTFW.
Section 2. Recommendations made by the executive committee shall be presented to the board for revision and/or approval at its next scheduled meeting.
Section 1. The annual meeting of TOTFW shall be held once a year, at a time and place determined by the board. Motions shall be decided upon by a vote of a majority of those present. Notices of annual meetings shall be sent four weeks in advance of the date thereof.
Section 2. Special meetings of TOTFW may be organized by the president, the board or upon written request of five active members. The notice shall be sent at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting, along with the date and place of the meeting. The business to be discussed shall be stated in the notification to all TOTFW members.
Section 3. All other meetings of the board of directors may take place up to four times a year. Motions shall be carried by a vote of the majority. Notices shall be sent to board members at least one week before the meeting. Special board meetings may be called by the president with at least forty-eight hours notice to board members.
Section 4. A quorum shall consist of at least Five (5) board members in any meeting with a motion for vote, except for meetings held exclusively by the Executive Committee, which shall be composed of a quorum of at least three (3).
Section 1. The fiscal year of TOTFW shall begin January 1st and end on December 31st. Fiscal year records are available to the public upon request.
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended, in whole or in part, by two-thirds vote of those present at an Executive Committee meeting of TOTFW. These changes will then be written into the bylaws under “Amendments” and distributed to each board member at the next scheduled meeting. Any future amendments will be available to the public upon request.
Section 1. The purpose of this conflict of interest policy is to protect the interest of TOTFW when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer, director or member as defined in Section 4958(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, which might result in a possible “excess benefit transaction.” In the event a conflict of interest may be thought to exist for any board member/officer, the member shall inform the board and abstain from any inappropriate participation in the matter.
In the event of dissolution of Temple of the Four Winds, its assets shall be distributed for tax exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Such distribution shall be made in accordance with all applicable provisions of these laws and of the laws of the state of California.
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