Is Ayahuasca right for me?
+Ayahuasca is a very nurturing, maternal spirit who guides you deep into your subconscious to show you who you are and what self realizations you must face. Ask yourself, “Am I hearing the call to sit in ceremony? Am I ready to face what I may be shown?”
Can I take medications with Ayahuasca?
+Certain medications and types of Herbs can have adverse effects on a person when partaking in Ayahuasca. For a list of some examples of medications and herbs that may affect you in ceremony please go to our Medical Guidelines page in the About section.
May I attend the ceremony if I am not drinking Ayahuasca?
+In order to protect the sacredness and privacy of others’ ceremonies, we do not allow guests that will not be partaking in the ceremony to attend or stay at the location. Loved ones and partners are welcome to drive to location to drop off a participant but will be required to leave the ceremony location once we open circle.
Is Ayahuasca safe?
+Ayahuasca is generally safe when connected with responsibly, and treated with respect in a ceremonial setting. Specific cases involving medications and illnesses should be discussed with our staff before the retreats begin. If you suffer from any psychological conditions, these should also be discussed with staff our before the retreat begins;
Can I drink Ayahuasca alone?
+We do not encourage the consumption of Ayahuasca outside a ceremonial setting, and without the guidance of an experienced Medicine Man or Woman present. During a Temple of the Four Winds Sacred Ceremony, a designated group of devoted volunteers and Medicine Men and Women are present and connected at all times. At no time during the ceremony is a participant allowed to leave the circle without a volunteer or medicine person’s assistance.
Will I throw up or poop myself?
+Purging is a natural part of the process when it comes to Ayahuasca. It signifies the release of all that which longer serves you. Purging takes many forms: Crying, Vomiting, Urination, Defecation, Screaming/Yelling, etc.. Temple of the Four Winds emphasizes a clean plant based diet, and a 24hr fast, to help prevent potential symptoms of diarrhea during ceremony.
What does it cost?
+Temple of the Four Winds requests a suggested donation of $300 per ceremony, per person. In the event there are multiple ceremonies available in the same retreat weekend, suggested donation would be $550 per person for two ceremonies, or $725 per person for three ceremonies.
Can we leave any time?
+Temple of the Four Winds puts 100% emphasis on the safety of its members and participants. Because the effects of Ayahuasca vary from person to person, we do not allow members or participants to leave the circle while in ceremony, or to leave the retreat prior to the closing ceremony the day following the ceremony.
Is the diet required?
+Temple of the Four Winds believes that what we put into our bodies is just as important as any practices or rituals we partake in. A clean, plant based diet is highly recommended at least one week prior to ceremony weekend to start the cleansing/purging process and allow Madre Ayahuasca to flow freely through you. This also helps to prevent any excess purging during ceremony. It is also recommended to fast 24hrs prior to ceremony day.
Can I attend ceremony if I didn’t reserve prior?
In order to ensure that all participants have done at least the minimum of recommended diet and practices, Temple of the Four Winds will not allow any participants to register for ceremony less than 7 calendar days prior to ceremony date.
Do you provide transportation?
+It is the full responsibility of every member and participant to provide their own transportation to and from the ceremony location.